The Sundown Audio SML series is a groundbreaking addition to their lineup of subwoofers, offering an incredibly shallow design without sacrificing performance. The SML series is engineered to fit in tight spaces while still delivering the deep, powerful bass that Sundown Audio is known for.
Key Features of the Sundown Audio SML Series:
Ultra-Shallow Design: The SML series is designed to be even shallower than the SLD line, making it one of the most compact subwoofer options available. This ultra-shallow depth allows it to fit in extremely tight spaces, such as under or behind seats, where traditional subwoofers might not fit.
Impressive Excursion: Despite its shallow design, the SML series delivers nearly the same excursion as the deeper SLD line. This means it can move a significant amount of air, resulting in deep and impactful bass that is typically not expected from a subwoofer of its size.
Optimized for Small Enclosures: The SML series is specifically engineered to perform exceptionally well in small enclosures. This makes it an ideal choice for installations where space is limited, but high-quality bass is still desired.
Versatile Installation: With its shallow depth and compact design, the SML series is perfect for installations in vehicles with limited space. Whether installed under seats, behind seats, or in other confined spaces, these subwoofers are designed to integrate seamlessly into various setups.